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Teen Vogue aims to bolster readership via new mobile app

Conde Nast?s Teen Vogue is looking to change the way its readers engage with the magazine via a new mobile application that offers beauty tips, lifestyle trends and fashion advice.

The Teen Vogue Insider app lets readers get customized, exclusive content. The app is available for iPhone and iPod touch devices.

?We know how reliant our consumer has become on their mobile phone and it?s important for her Teen Vogue be at her disposal whenever and wherever,? said Stacy Greco, brand development director at Teen Vogue. 

?At the start, we considered the strategy of bringing the magazine to the mobile experience, but then we decided to flip the scenario and asked ourselves: ?how do we bring mobile to the magazine experience?? We then set about creating a product that makes the reading experience feel even more exclusive, social and engaging, both for Teen Vogue and our advertising partners,? she said. 

Teen Vogue is a Conde Nast publication, which operates in 25 countries.

Exclusive content
Via the Teen Vogue app, readers can scan both editorial and advertising pages in the magazine to unlock bonus content, as well as access shopping guides and exclusive deals.

According to the publication, the more readers who interact with the app, the more they are rewarded with a chance to win prizes.

Using the app, consumers can find participating brands nearby and receive the latest deals or special offers and check-in to score prize points.

The magazine is also letting its readers unlock bonus material such as video and lookbooks.

Additionally, the app lets users track their points, share their favorite offer pages and check what their friends are doing.

Teen Vogue is also incorporating social media into the app.

Readers can sync the app with their Facebook account to broadcast activity and share content features.

?The entire user experience was devised after we conducted a mobile behavior study with our reader panel, the Teen Vogue It Girls,? Ms. Greco said. ?The insights were tremendously compelling and informed what our readers wanted more of ? shopping deals, giveaways, and look books ranked the highest ? and combined that with trending behaviors across the millennial market. 

?Our goal with Teen Vogue Insider is to provide more of what she?s looking for, when and where she wants it,? she said. ?This means giving her access to a beauty DIY that complements a story in our magazine, or a 30 percent off deal to use at her favorite retailer. 

Mobile offers
According to the company, the Teen Vogue Insider app will also be instrumental throughout the publication?s back-to-school Saturday shopping event.

The app will let shoppers check-in at participating retailers on Aug. 11 to earn points toward winning exclusive prizes, such as shopping sprees and merchandise.

Shoppers can also map participating sponsors to find local retailers and their Back To School Saturday offers.

Aeropostale, AG jeans, Express, Gucci Eyewear, Guess, H&M, PacSun, Hurley and LeSportsac are all participating in the initiative.

?At Teen Vogue, we have a ?brand everywhere? approach and it?s vital that we keep our consumer engaged on all relevant platforms,? Ms. Greco.  

?Our audience expects and wants us accessible on mobile, and we want that experience to be rewarding, fun and one that she?ll return to again and again,? she said. 

Final Take
Rimma Kats is associate editor on Mobile Marketer, New York